Tis the Season!
As we near the holidays, we take a few moments to reflect back and look forward. We wouldn’t be able to do that without mentioning our wonderful team.
In 2018, we added 3 new faces that have become an important part of our family.
Andy Fera- Superintendent
Jessica Lindler- Design
John Ussery- Development
We also built and were a part of the 2018 HGTV Smart Home, welcomed 22 families to their gorgeous new homes, made new friends, helped make business dreams come true and so much more!
Together we all truly work hard to be the best we can be both personally and professionally. Along with our specific jobs, we participate in book clubs, team meetings, retreats and are genuine friends and enjoy each other even outside of the office.
Each of us love to see our homes and commercial spaces completed with happy clients and gorgeous detail to show off to all.
Our process has been refined tremendously over 2018 and we are so excited to see where 2019 takes us. With this team, our new found “WHYS” and an enthusiasm that can be felt by all whom we encounter, there is no telling what is in store for us over the next year!
Of course, we wouldn’t be anywhere without Y.O.U.
Our supporters, cheerleaders, friends, family, clients and followers truly make us who we are and are the reason we strive each day to deliver an experience and product above all expectations. We want to create raving fans and are going to be working hard to make each person we meet one of them!
Be on the look out on our blog, for some super exciting things coming your way soon! We promise, 2019 will be the best yet!