Shoreline Construction

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Spring Cleaning: 4 Ways to Add More Storage in Your Custom Lowcountry Home

We’ve all been there, standing in the doorway of our once-organized storage closet, baffled at the amount of miscellaneous, misfit items that have somehow found their way there. While the hall closet or a random drawer are the first candidates for storing items currently not in use, that space quickly becomes filled–and next thing you know, clutter is making its way into all sorts of nooks and crannies. But it doesn’t have to be this way!  

Storage doesn’t have to be limited to a tucked-away closet or a not-so-hidden junk drawer; the way we store our belongings can be creative and practical. And, with a custom-built home, you have the freedom and flexibility to make that happen–the storage possibilities are endless! With that said, here are four unique ways to add more storage to your custom Lowcountry home.

Invest in hidden storage furniture pieces. 

Another subtle way to store more is choosing furniture pieces that double as storage. For example, a stylish ottoman or coffee table with built-in storage will fit in with the rest of your living room decor while serving as a space to store your family’s favorite blankets or coffee table books. These furniture pieces have become increasingly popular recently, so the style options are endless. 

Get creative with small spaces. 

It’s easy to ignore the small spaces in a home, such as the slim area between a toilet and bathroom sink or the gap between your washing machine and the wall. But the storage potential for these spots can be maximized with special pieces like a custom rolling cart to hold extra supplies or household items. You’d be surprised–a little extra storage can go a long way! 

Storage doesn’t have to look like clear plastic bins shoved in a garage. With some creativity, a few specialized furniture pieces, and custom-built solutions, your home can be organized while maintaining a sense of style. Contact our team today to learn more about our custom home design solutions that can help you achieve a more organized home!